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8pm BST / 12am PKT / 3pm EST

Katputli Catch Up and Grand puppetry goodbye in the CREATE Puppetry Festival Lounge!


Join your hosts and workshop presenters after our panel discussion for a final Katputli (Puppet) catch up in the CREATE festival lounge to say goodbye to CREATE festival 2022!


Bring your puppets, share your work, ask questions and meet people from around the world interested in puppetry, education and the creative arts!


If you have a puppet to share we'd love to see it or if you'd like to ask your workshop presenters or hosts any more questions then we'd all be happy to answer them!


Bring a cup of tea or a drink for a friendly meet up where you can tell your puppetry stories and share your puppetry adventures!


We look forward to catching up with old friends and making new ones from across the world in the CREATE Puppetry Lounge at our final event of CREATE festival 2022!


Expect puppet dancing!

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© 2023 Create Puppetry Festival

Festival line up subject to change at anytime without notice.

Standard PuppetSoup, Rafi Peer and British Council Terms and Conditions apply.

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