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15th & 16th October 2022

Hosted LIVE online from Pakistan and Wales UK!

Saturday 15th October 2022

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12pm BST / 4pm PKT / 7am EST

CREATE Lounge Opens!

Join your hosts in the Create Lounge to meet with puppeteers, artists and people interested in puppetry from around the world before the official Festival launch!

Suitable for all ages.

From around the globe!


1pm BST / 5pm PKT / 8am EST

Welcome to CREATE Puppetry Festival!

Come along for the official start of the festival - meet your hosts and settle in for a weekend of Puppetry Adventures!

Suitable for all ages.

From around the globe!

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1pm BST / 5pm  PKT / 8am EST (As part of our Welcome Event)

Suitable for all ages.

A Journey of Struggles and Triumphs

A Tour of the Faizaan Peerzada Museum of Puppetry in Pakistan.

A conversation between Sonya Rehman and Saadaan Peerzada, co-founder of Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop combined with a tour of the Faizaan Peerzada Museum of Puppetry in Pakistan. Live Q&A with Yamina Peerzada and Alena Peerzada of Rafi Peer.

From Pakistan

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2pm BST / 6pm PKT / 9am EST

For adults and educators. 

Thinking inside the box:

Miniature Worlds as a tool for education. 

Fagner Gastaldon of PuppetSoup presents an exciting workshop on the Brazilian art of Teatro Lambe Lambe and brings new insights into its use as an educational tool.

From Wales / Brazil

All Hands In

4pm BST / 8pm PKT / 11am EST

For adults and educators. 

Changing the Narrative - Women Puppeteers in South Asia 

A panel discussion on gender, tradition and the power of puppetry.

Join our panelists Yamina Peerzada (Pakistan), Sulochana Dissanayake (Sri Lanka),  Fahime MirzaHosseini (Iran), Anurupa Roy (India) and moderator Padmini Rangarajan (India)  as they discuss what it means to be a South Asian Woman in puppetry in 2022.  Find out about their work and the joys and challenges of being a modern female puppeteer in South Asia today. 

From  Iran, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka & South Asia


5.30pm BST / 9.30pm  PKT / 12.30pm EST

For adults and educators. 

Recycle / Reimagine / Reuse:

Trash into Teaching

Peter Court of Creative Madness presents a talk about his work in underfunded schools in South Africa and a workshop creating wonderful cardboard heads from recycled materials.

From  South Africa / Wales


7pm BST / 11pm PKT /  2pm EST

For adults and Children

Katputli Catch Up in the CREATE lounge!

Join your hosts and workshop presenters for a Katputli (Puppet) catch up in the CREATE festival lounge! Bring your puppets, share your work, ask questions and meet people from around the world interested in puppetry, education and the creative arts.

From  around the world

Film Reel

8pm BST / 12am PKT / 3pm EST

For adults and Children

CREATE presents Puppet Films from around the world...

Puppetry videos from around the world will be released on the special festival YouTube channel for festival-goers to enjoy in between events!

From  around the world

Sunday 16th October 2022

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8am BST / 12pm PKT / 3am EST

CREATE Lounge Opens!

Join your hosts in the Create Lounge to connect with puppeteers, artists and people interested in puppetry from around the world! Ask questions and tell your puppetry stories to a friendly crowd.

Suitable for all ages.

From around the globe!


8am BST / 12pm PKT / 3am EST

Zippy the Zebra

Meet Zippy – the baby Zebra – who loves to chase butterflies and hates sticking to a herd! 

Join Sulochna Dissanayake from 'The Power of Play' puppetry company of Sri Lanka for this exciting interactive piece of puppetry for all ages including the youngest members of the family!

Suitable for all ages.

Especially children 2- 5yrs !

From Sri Lanka

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9am BST / 1pm PKT / 4am EST

For adults & children 8+

Make a Cranky Toy Theatre!

Join Emma Brierly of Scotland, UK to make a cranky toy theatre in this interactive workshop for the whole family!

From Scotland

10:30am BST / 2:30pm  PKT / 5:30am EST 

For adults & children 12yrs +


Paper and Material Theater for the camera

Learn all about puppetry for the camera using paper materials in this exciting workshop with Anurupa Roy of India.

From India


12pm BST / 4pm PKT / 7am EST

For adults & children 14yrs +

I am ME! Puppet Making Workshop

Explore puppetry and yourself in this innovative workshop with Yamina Peerzada of Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop in Pakistan.

From Pakistan


2pm BST / 6pm PKT / 9am EST

For adults and educators. 

Puppetry as a Threshold Experience.

The use of puppetry to deal with difficult situations, in education, health and community contexts.

Join Dr Cariad Astles, renowned puppetry educator and author, to take part in this fascinating talk and workshop about the use of puppetry to deal with difficult situations in education, health and community settings. 

From United Kingdom


3.30pm BST / 7.30pm PKT / 10.30am EST

For adults and educators. 

Folk Puppetry: The Dying Art in Pakistan

An interview and practical demonstration on the Folk Puppetry of Pakistan .

From  Pakistan


5pm BST / 9pm PKT /  12pm EST

For adults & educators

How to Speak “Educationese:”

Powerful Ideas for Puppetry in the Classroom that Administrators will Love!

Join puppetry educator Professor Johanna Smith for an exploration of fun, accessible puppetry activities for the classroom that have been specifically designed to showcase the powerful learning that is unique to puppetry.

From  The USA

Earth and Space

6:30pm BST / 10:30pm PKT / 1:30pm EST

For adults and educators

'Always look on the bright side of life...' 

The Positive Impact of the Pandemic on the Global Puppetry Perspective.

A Panel discussion.

An interactive panel conversation exploring what positives came out of the pandemic for puppeteers and puppetry companies around the world.

From  around the world

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8pm BST / 12am PKT / 3pm EST

For adults and Children

Katputli Catch Up and Grand puppetry goodbye in the CREATE Puppetry Festival Lounge.

Join us and people from around the globe for a grand puppetry goodbye from CREATE Puppetry Festival 2022!

From  around the world

© 2023 Create Puppetry Festival

Festival line up subject to change at anytime without notice.

Standard PuppetSoup, Rafi Peer and British Council Terms and Conditions apply.

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