3.30pm BST / 7.30pm PKT / 10.30am EST
Folk Puppetry: The Dying Art in Pakistan
August 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 26th and September 2nd and 3rd 2023.

An accessible and fun online summer Puppetry Course, with sign language, for adults.
August 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 26th and September 2nd and 3rd 2023.
2pm UK / 6pm PKT time for 2 - 3 hours each day.
Work between classes will be required.
On the 3rd of September there will be a special online sharing of the puppetry created by participants for friends, family and friendly online audiences. Please keep additional time before and after the course available on that day.
6 sessions plus a sharing day
Course Objectives and outline
The CREATE online summer puppetry school will help participants to learn the basics of short form puppetry and to develop a short piece of puppetry to be performed at an online sharing day whilst connecting with professionals and puppeteers from around the world.
This course will connect learners from across the globe and be accessible to both those from the hearing and D/deaf community.
You will learn about global perspectives within puppetry, the fundamentals of puppetry and performance, and create, make, develop and deliver an individual short show or scene.
The course will be led by PuppetSoup (Wales, UK) and Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop (Pakistan), feature sign language throughout and have guest workshops and talks from professionals including Dr Cariad Astles (UK), Professor Johanna Smith (USA), Broken Puppet Theatre (UK) and Anurupa Roy of India.
Create Puppetry Digital Short Course Details
This exciting Summer School in puppetry skills is supported by The British Council Wales and Pakistan under the Go Digital initiative and provided by CREATE Puppetry Festival organisers PuppetSoup (Wales) and Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop (Pakistan)
This online accessible training in puppetry encourages learners to make their own short form piece of puppetry to perform at a live digital event hosted by CREATE Puppetry Festival.
Gain a unique world perspective of Puppetry with lecturers and mentors from around the globe coming together to help you not only learn about different forms of puppetry and performance but who can also help you consider puppetry in the contexts of the modern world.
Learners will have the opportunity to work with experienced puppeteers from around the globe to devise, create, build and perform a short piece of puppetry suitable for digital audiences.
This exciting training opportunity will give bursaries to three people from Pakistan and three people from Wales which includes a tools and materials stipend of £100 per person. People from other areas of the world are welcome to apply to join the course and can attend for free subject to application and completion of all course dates.
The course will have live sign language interpretation meaning that all classes and the mentorship programme can be undertaken by those from both the hearing the D/deaf community.
Course places are limited to 15 on a first come first served basis.
Course Cost - Free
Materials bursaries available to eligible participants.
Course now full!